Thanks for your interest in the CircaPain study! CircaPain is open to all adults who have had persistent pain for more than 3 months. If you choose to participate in this study, you will see the following:

First, our baseline questionnaire: enroll in our study by clicking the “Take the Survey” button below and complete our questionnaire. In this questionnaire, you will answer questions about your experiences with chronic pain. This may take you 15-20 minutes to complete. Once completed, you will receive an email containing instructions to complete Part 2 of the study.

Second, our CIRCApain diary: This is an electronic diary (short survey) to rate your symptoms which will take you 1-2 minutes to complete. You will be sent an email or text message prompting you to complete this diary at 3 timepoints each day (8:00 AM, 2:00 PM, and 8:00 PM) for 10 days. Simply click the link in the email/text message you are sent to access this diary. It is important to do these diary entries as close as possible to the desired timepoint so that we can accurately see how your pain and other symptoms change throughout the day. If you cannot find the email containing the diary link, make sure to check your “Junk” folder!

You can then choose to participate in our follow-up questionnaires: This involves repeating the same questionnaire and set of CIRCApain diaries as described above, but at two future timepoints. You will receive a link 6 months and then 12 months after your original completion of Part 1 to complete the same measures (Parts 1 and 2). These follow-ups are optional and will allow us to learn more about how your symptoms may change between seasons.

We are currently preparing to collect biological samples (blood) from participants: This is optional and not yet available across Canada. In the baseline questionnaire, you will be asked if you would like to be re-contacted when biological sample collection is set up in your area.
Have some questions about how the study works?
You can email and we will be able to help!